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The second language programme should be at the centre of an International School curriculum, not on the periphery; all staff should be aware of the issues involved, and the concept can only be put into practice with the full support of school leadership.


(M. Carder, 2007)

International schools, as well as local schools in English-speaking countries have an increasing population of students who do not have English as their first or dominant language, who are faced with the challenge of learning English while they are learning content. While we may once have presumed that English-language schooling would be enough to help them develop the English skills they will need to succeed at school, we now know this is not the case.

A strong EAL/ELL programme is at the heart of language provisions for every school with bilingual/multilingual learners. Provisions for EAL/ELL vary immensely across schools, depending on the context, learners and budget. Good EAL/ELL programmes have the following elements:​

Professional Development for EAL/ELL

CEC provides support for all aspects of EAL/ELL programming. CEC has broad experience in programme evaluation and development, including structures, programmes and pedagogy. All EAL/ELL work is supported with CPD and is designed to develop EAL/ELL expertise within the school for taking responsibility for continued development. EAL/ELL work is generally undertaken in conjunction with work with class/content teachers, to share responsibility for language learning across the school. 

If you would like more information about 'EAL/ELL' please use the contact
form below.

Eowyn captures her audience from the moment she starts speaking. Her knowledge of supporting and teaching children as additional English language learners has been an overwhelming support to children and teachers alike.

Claudia van der Laar Newson, Head of EYFS, British School of Amsterdam
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